C++ Program to Add Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
Add Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
This program takes two complex numbers as structures and adds them with the use of functions.
This program takes two complex numbers as structures and adds them with the use of functions.
Example: Source Code to Add Two Complex Numbers
// Complex numbers are entered by the user
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct complex
float real;
float imag;
} complexNumber;
complexNumber addComplexNumbers(complex, complex);
int main()
complexNumber n1, n2, temporaryNumber;
char signOfImag;
cout << "For 1st complex number," << endl;
cout << "Enter real and imaginary parts respectively:" << endl;
cin >> n1.real >> n1.imag;
cout << endl << "For 2nd complex number," << endl;
cout << "Enter real and imaginary parts respectively:" << endl;
cin >> n2.real >> n2.imag;
signOfImag = (temporaryNumber.imag > 0) ? '+' : '-';
temporaryNumber.imag = (temporaryNumber.imag > 0) ? temporaryNumber.imag : -temporaryNumber.imag;
temporaryNumber = addComplexNumbers(n1, n2);
cout << "Sum = " << temporaryNumber.real << temporaryNumber.imag << "i";
return 0;
complexNumber addComplexNumbers(complex n1,complex n2)
complex temp;
temp.real = n1.real+n2.real;
temp.imag = n1.imag+n2.imag;
Enter real and imaginary parts respectively: 3.4 5.5 For 2nd complex number, Enter real and imaginary parts respectively: -4.5 -9.5 Sum = -1.1-4i
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