C++ Program to Store and Display Information Using Structure

object oriented programming c++

structures in c++
This program store the information (name, fname id and department).

using namespace std;
// declaring the strct 
struct Student{
string id;
string name;
string fname;
string depart;
int main()
Student s1;
//get student info 
cout<<"Enter Your Details "<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your ID "<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your Department "<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your Name "<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your F'Name' "<<endl;
//displaying student info 
cout<<"Displaying Student Info"<<endl;
cout<<"Your ID  is"<<s1.id<<endl;
cout<<"Your Name is"<<s1.name<<endl;
cout<<"Your Father Name"<<s1.fname<<endl;
cout<<"Your Department is"<<s1.depart<<endl;
return 0;
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Some More exapmles are given below related to :
C++ Program to Store and Display Information Using Structure 
Structures in c++


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C++ Program to Store and Display Information Using Structure